Wedding planning: The 12 most important steps you must need

Wedding planning: The 12 most important steps you must need

Weddings are something beautiful, magical, a particular moment in the lives of two people. They love each other and have decided to unite their lives forever. But wedding planning, it requires a whole protocol and steps. That must follow so that it is a perfect time and do not miss anything.

How to arrange wedding planning

wedding planning

FIRST STEP: To begin wedding planning you must set a date at least attempt to make this union. Look for a day that you like and calculate the time needed for all the preparations. Good planning, done with time and order will help us to make sure that when the day arrives. We do not miss anything, and everything is under control. Planning should begin between 6 months and the previous year.

SECOND STEP: Wedding planning is essential. Making a budget of the estimated expenses of the most important details of the place where they would like to do the event, the church, civil wedding costs, invitations, banquet, Cake, wine, wedding dresses, flowers, music, photography and video, honeymoon, etc.

wedding planning

THIRD STEP: The civil wedding or the court church, require legal paperwork. In addition to setting aside the day with much anticipation. Prepare the necessary documentation (introduction, birth, among others). Find the place of reception, celebration or event venue.

STEP FOUR: To plan a wedding it is basic to make a list of guests together. Start thinking about the family and close friends. Then go with bosses or co-workers that you consider important for both, so it will be easier to conform.

STEP FIVE: It’s time to choose wedding rings and decide who will be the wedding godparents.

SIXTH STEP: Do not try to do everything yourself, because you end up grumpy, exhausted and frustrated. If you can have a budget for someone to take care of some aspects do it. It will be the best decision you can make. If you cannot hire a professional who takes care of everything, it will better to stay with your family and close friends.

SEVENTH STEP: Focus on your vision so that your wedding has a bright melody that reflects your personality. The wedding is yours! Enjoy every moment but lean for a specific theme around. Which to turn every detail of your party, because it is important is that it is unique and personalized.

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EIGHT STEP: An essential element: choose your wedding dress! And, in addition to the dress, the complements: shoes, jewelry and the bouquet. Also, the groom should start looking at his suit. Your style should match the brides and the type of wedding you choose.

NINE STEP: Plan the honeymoon. Find possible destinations contemplating that it is a unique and significant place for both. Manage the visa if the situation requires it. Open a joint bank account. Check credit cards, cash, passport and everything you need for the trip.

wedding planning

TENTH STEP: The option of going to an establishment to select gifts and make a wedding list is prevalent these days. In this way, it is easy for the guests to choose a gift knowing that it is an object that the bride and groom needs. At the same time, it prevents the repetition of the gifts. Carry out the premarital courses. Send the invitations. Hire the service of photographer and video.

ELEVENTH STEP: Perform the menu tests, wine tasting, select the liqueurs. Choose the cake. Organize the location of the guests at the tables during the reception. Make the latest dress tests along with shoes, hairstyle, and make-up. Bachelor party jointly or separately.

TWELVETH STEP: Set aside time for beauty and relaxation treatments for both the bride and groom. The wife should go in time to the hairdresser for makeup and hairstyle and dress up without haste, but long enough not to be late. The same is true for the groom since it is customary for him to arrive a few minutes before the time and to wait for the bride at the altar.

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