Four Things to Watch out for When Wild Swimming

Four Things to Watch out for When Wild Swimming

Spending time in nature is good for the body, mind and spirit, and what is better than heading to a cool river or lake on a summer’s day and taking a dip? Wild swimming is a popular activity for many people in the UK and is quickly gaining more interest – however, it can also be dangerous and as with any sport, ensuring that you know the risks is essential if it is something that you want to get into.

Here are some of the ailments that could be problematic for wild swimmers…

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Swimmers Ear – Swimming regularly in cold water can cause swimmer’s ear which is unpleasant and can also lead to hearing loss and dizziness. Going to a professional like this earwax removal Lydney based specialist will resolve this.

Deep Water and Currents – Something that can get lots of people into trouble is the unpredictability of lots of bodies of water. Rivers may look like they are perfectly safe, but strong currents under the water can be fatal, even for a strong swimmer. Many people are confident in their swimming but get into trouble in deep water, so be careful and always be safe.

Rocks – Rocks can be a real danger to swimmers – firstly, it is always important to ensure that you avoid diving into water, especially if you do not know the area well, as you cannot be sure of what lies beneath when it comes to rocks. Rocks can also cause damage to the feet, so always be cautious and go with experienced people who can advise you of where the rocks to be careful of are.

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Cercarial dermatitis – Also known as swimmers itch, this unpleasant skin condition is caused by small snails that live around reeds in some bodies of water. They are usually found around stagnant water, so steer clear of these areas and you will be fine!

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