Amazing processor buying tips: everything you should keep in mind

Amazing processor buying tips: everything you should keep in mind

If you are upgrading your PC, the processor is one of the components that requires more attention. The investment is important. Therefore, it is fundamental to know the specifications of each model.  In order to choose the processor, follow our Processor buying tips.

Best processor buying tips

processor buying tips
Amazing processor buying tips

The details and features around a processor go far beyond the manufacturer, cores or operating frequency. Knowing what each number and associated technology mean is key so that. Within the investment we want to make, we can get the most out of it. It offers us the capacity to Process we need to play, work or our day to day leisure.

Processor buying tips 1: Number of cores

processor buying tips

The two main and most referenced data when we speak of a processor are cores and frequency. The combination of both elements and their individual figures globally mark the performance of this component of our PC.

The numbers that are first to be seen when comparing processors are the number of cores and the working frequency. But do not be fooled by the figures. Because they are not data that we can directly compare between models of processors.

The cores of a processor define the number of independent central processing units with which the chip counts. At the moment, we can find processors with tens of cores. Although if we limit ourselves to models destined for the consumer market, the usual thing is to have processors with 2, 4, 6, 8 and up to 10 cores.

Associated with the number of cores we find another key figure to evaluate the performance of a processor. It is the speed of opening and closing of the transistors that make up the processor. The one offered by the manufacturer is the frequency of operation. Which the cores will work most of the time inside the TDP of the chip.

Regarding this value, in reality, what marks us a better performance is the IPC or instructions per clock cycle. Here Intel takes the lead in its latest generations of processors equal to Ghz. So, do not go senseless by the frequency associated with each processor. Not with the cores. They aren’t figures that directly compare an increase of yield with the same relation, except in generations and similar models.

In some models of Intel as well as AMD, we find another data of maximum frequency or Turbo. Which can increase its operation a core in certain circumstances of temperature and consumption? The operation of this technology depends on whether the chip is from Intel or AMD. But it is not especially critical for most consumers.

 processor buying tips
Amazing processor buying tips

processor buying tips: Overclocking and Multithreading

In some ranges of processors, we find the so-called yarns as a number associated with cores. It is a technology that Intel baptizes as Hyperthreading and divides the work of a core into two threads. In the market, not all processors are multithreaded. So, depending on the task we want to perform with our PC. We should opt for those that allow two threads per core.

If we refer to AMD processors, the division of labor of each core in two threads is similar to that made by Intel.

We can take into account when looking at scores and working frequency of a processor is the possibility of overclocking. That is, adjusting power, voltage, cores and other values to raise the performance of the equipment. The usual is to increase the maximum working frequency that marks the manufacturer. That task can be done on both Intel and AMD processors, which are already ready for it.

In the case of Intel models, we can detect them because they are marked by a K in their name.  Therefore, they are prepared to perform this action thanks to that they are unlocked. Recommended for those who wish to squeeze their equipment to the maximum Even knowing the risks.

processor buying tips: Voltage and cache

There are two values that we should not let pass when talking about processors. The first is the cache memory that includes the chip. It is a very fast but volatile type of memory located next to the processor. It tries to ensure that the CPU has the information it will need to list when it needs it. And not reduce its processing capacity.

A great forgotten of the specifications of the processors is the cache. If you can afford it, you do not get on that figure when it comes to choosing chip.

In theory, the cache is better the greater, something that happens in processors of higher range. In the range of non-exclusive consumption, it is usually between 2 and 8 MB.

Regarding the TDP (Thermal Design Power), we are talking about the average power. In watts that dissipate the processor working on the base frequency with all its active cores. The lower that figure, the less warming the chip suffers and the less consumption we have on the equipment. This value is closely related to lithography of the manufacturing process, expressed in nm.

processor buying tips: choose memory

Whether we are going to processor buying tips with which to build a PC from scratch or to update a current model. Two are the main compatibilities to which we must attend: motherboard and RAM.

Each processor model usually has support for one or more types of RAM. So, make sure that if you want future compatibility or with current components. That type of memory Is contemplated in the data sheet of the processor that you are going to choose.

You should pay attention to the type of socket with which the processor to which you aspire is compatible. Maybe you are thinking of upgrading your PC without buying a new motherboard. Follow our processor buying tips. If it is a new computer, the processor choice will largely determine which type of motherboard is suitable.

processor buying tips: motherboard condition

Other features that depend on the type of processor you have chosen. But have considerably less weight except specific cases could be protection technologies of each manufacturer.

Finally, do not forget the type of heatsink. The cooling system that each processor model may require for proper and safe operation.

processor buying tips
Amazing processor buying tips

processor buying tips: Integrated graphics on the processor

Depending on the range of processor you choose the generation and manufacturer. The processor can carry the integrated graphics (GPU). It’s the strength of AMD chips in the mid-range, at least until very recently.

For office tasks and use of games not very demanding/basic edition. The GPU associated with the processor in certain ranges can be more than enough. And even with AMD’s new APU solutions from superior ranges or the new Intel Core Iris. Thinking about more serious gaming or working without the need for dedicated elements is not a utopia.

In the case of integrated solutions, there are important data to consider such as operating frequency, maximum resolution support, DirectX and OpenGL compatibility, support for combined dedicated solutions, proprietary technologies of each manufacturer or the maximum memory supported, Which it shares with the system. And we must also keep in mind.

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