When buying online, you have benefits like avoiding the move to a warehouse. However, it is important to do this secure online shopping.
For secure online shopping so that they do not stamp it
We suggest the following recommendations:
1- Before doing any online shopping you must be sure that the product you are buying is what you need. It is recommended to read in full the page that describes the product. If in any doubt send questions to the seller. Consult other sites product information. Evaluate the experience of other users and if possible view videos of the product.
2- When you are sure that the product meets your requirements. It is necessary to know if the website you have chosen is safe. For this, there are several traits that you must find on all the pages that make sales online.
3- The means of contact are essential. Make sure that you can directly communicate with the website and preferably by physical means of contact such as landlines. Also available are other ways such as emails, online chat, and social networks.
4- Look for user experiences with the website to see testimonials and qualifications that other users have given to the products. A basic method is to search these skills in Google; you can do it by looking for phrases such as: “Is www.xyz.com safe?“, “I was ripped off at www.xyz.com.“
5- If the page has a profile in social networks like Facebook. Enter and look at the comments of other users. Make sure that the page has a fair number of followers and that it is always showing new content.
6- It is important to know the secure online shopping process, who will receive your money. And what happens if there is any inconvenience with the order.
7- The safe online shopping process can vary from page to page. But the recommendation is that the same page is responsible for receiving your payment. This way, the page is in charge of backing your purchase and respond in case of any inconvenience with the order.
8- Any page that does its work well will allow you to view the history of your order and track it transparently. The order history will show you with dates when the order was received, paid, shipped and delivered. Tracking is essential, and when the order has sent. You should know the shipping information, i.e. carrier, and guide number.

With this information, you can know the detail of the shipment and verify that the address is correct. And know exactly when you will receive your purchase. It is only necessary to make the payment.
9- It is important to know that on the internet anyone can receive payments, so it recommends that as long as possible. Your payments are always to a company that you can verify with NID number in other entities. If it is a natural person that this is your total trust and not someone who only appears to be safe?
10- If you are buying a natural person, it is recommended that this is a company that supports your order and is responsible for receiving your money. In this way, you cover yourself if you do not receive your product or receive it in the unexpected conditions.
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11- Regarding the security of your financial information. It is important to make payments on pages that at the time of entering this information show the beginning of the URL with “https” and not just “HTTP.” It is necessary to prevent hackers or others from knowing your information. Please note that the “https” login is often only displayed when typing valuable information such as credit card numbers and may not post during the online shopping process.
12- In USA, companies that are responsible for offering online payment means already have the highest levels of security. They do not allow the merchant to know the information with which the payment has made. To be sure, we recommend making payments through pages that have agreements with Online Payments. PayPal and other recognized companies that have high levels of security.
13- The page that you have chosen must offer an After Sales customer service. It’s mean that you can return to the page after the payment has made. Ask if the payment has already received. When you will receive the product, and in case you have any inconvenience with the product received contact you to get a solution.
14- Today you pay without having a credit card.
The recommendation is that the page in which you make the purchase has integrated the means of payment. At the time of viewing the order, history indicates that your payment made by the medium you have chosen.