These tips will help you better manage a work grievance

These tips will help you better manage a work grievance

Any employee who thinks they have been treated inappropriately or unfairly can raise a grievance with their employer. Doing so can sometimes feel daunting and overwhelming. Follow these top tips which can help you to better manage a work grievance.

Talk informally first

Before raising a formal grievance, it is always best to speak to your employer informally first to see if the issue can be resolved. The Government’s ACAS service (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service), advises that employers should try to ‘resolve grievances informally first‘.

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Check the grievance procedure

Prior to raising a grievance against your employer, obtain a copy of the company’s grievance procedures. Read it thoroughly so you can be sure to follow the correct procedures and fully understand the process. It may also detail how long you should expect to wait for responses and being aware of this will help you to ensure the employer is compliant.

Understand the importance of the grievance letter

To raise a formal grievance, you must submit a grievance letter. Be careful to ensure this letter does not become too emotional. Attempt to keep it neutral and factual, setting out your complaint in as much detail as possible. Include specifics but do not mention compensation or employment tribunals. Ensure that it contains no allegations that may be untrue, as that could put you at risk of disciplinary action. The grievance letter is perhaps the most important part of the grievance procedure, so do not write it in anger- make sure it is detailed, concise and focused.

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Consider approaching a settlement agreement solicitors

You may want to approach settlement agreement solicitors to see if this is something they could request. Employers and employees may suggest settlement agreements, which are legally binding, voluntary contracts ending an employment without going to tribunal. These are particularly useful in cases of dispute over an issue such as sick pay or holiday, a reduction in employee performance thanks to a company restructuring, or in the case of constructive dismissal. Always seek the advice of a specialist settlement agreement solicitors before requesting a settlement agreement as they are not appropriate in all circumstances.

Take notes at meetings

Raising a grievance will likely result in a meeting between you and your employer. You will usually be invited to take a colleague or a union representative with you. A member of HR staff may take minutes of the meeting. It is always a good idea to take your own notes, or ask your companion to take them for you. If the matter proceeds to a hearing, it is important to have an accurate representation of any meeting that takes place. After the meeting, you may want to send your version of the notes to the company’s HR department for them to review.

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Raising a grievance against your employer can be a daunting process. However, effective communication between employee and employer can help this often difficult process to run more smoothly.

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