What is Minimalist Website Design?

What is Minimalist Website Design?

The world of website design is never static. Think back to the early days of the World Wide Web and you’ll probably recall websites filled with clashing colours, tinny background music and those all-pervasive ‘visitor counters’.

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As digital technology has progressed there have been plenty of changes to web design trends. Our increasing reliance on smartphones and other portable devices has led designers to create websites that display better than ever before on the smaller screen sizes, which has helped to fuel the rise in minimalist web design trends.

Minimalism – Less is More

Minimalist design is nothing new. Soviet and Dutch artists and architects have been embracing the style since the early part of the twentieth century, but it is currently being bandied about as the hot new trend for websites. According to Forbes, our increasing use of small screen sizes, such as those on smartphones, has led to the demand for clear and uncluttered web pages stripped of all extraneous design elements.

Optimum results can only be achieved when minimalist design is combined with great SEO techniques to attract visitors to your site. Be sure to sharpen up your website’s SEO, which is best done by hiring professional help. Look for a company with a good solid background in the industry, such as London SEO agency https://www.elevateuk.com/seo-services/, to ensure that your site gains maximum exposure.

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Minimalist Design Elements

White space has traditionally been something for the web designer to fill with something else – whether content, photographs or graphics, the aim has been to fill the web page with something, to minimise the amount of white space on display. Minimalism turns that idea on its head, promoting areas of white space as an essential design element, allowing your core message to sing out.

Typography is relieved of all embellishment in minimalist web design, with the majority of designers opting for clear and uncluttered sans-serif fonts. Some designers area bucking the trend by using serif fonts, but these are always featured as a key design element in their own right.

Geometric shapes and flat design elements replace the 3D buttons and images formerly seen on computer screens. By removing all design flourishes, each element is stripped down to the bare minimum, making it easy for visitors to navigate around the site for the ultimate user experience.

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