The 6 advantages of Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles

The 6 advantages of Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles

It is incredible how, thanks to technological evolution, Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles has gone from being one of the most reviled materials to cover our floors (it was scratched up) to the fashionable material, envied by its versatility and durability.

Nowadays it is a safe bet for all kinds of spaces. From a home without aesthetic pretensions to another that seeks to give the bell, going through shops and offices, the vinyl floor provides (almost) everything you could want, and for a very tight price.

But let’s go to the nougat so you know why it is popular so much:

Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles

Easy to install

Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles

A professional will leave absolutely perfect and save you the task, but you can also do it if you apply enough care and attention to detail.

An obvious advantage: the Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles can be placed directly on the previous floor, so you do not need to do work to radically change the look of your house or any stay in it. The result? Saving time and money in sight.

If you have a parquet or regular surface but aging, you want to cover with a moderate budget, Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles is your choice. And its adjustment to complicated shapes and corners is excellent, becoming a very practical option. The only surface that you will not be able to cover with it is any rough surface.

It is the chameleon floor par excellence

As you read it: the Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles acquires the appearance that you want. There are a thousand and one designs, patterns, colors, textures, and finishes to find just the style you want to print in your home. And we talk about printing because this material is printed on rotary presses with photo-etched plates that allow you to achieve the look you want.

You will see vinyl that imitates marble, stone, different types of wood … you will see the vinyl of any imaginable color and also vinyl with a rough finish, or smooth, or non-slip…

You decide your resistance (or, rather, your budget)

Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles

Oh, but do not all types of vinyl last the same? Of course not. Because not everyone is the same. Although in general, they are all very resistant to water, abrasion and moderate wear.

Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles floors are composed of several layers, which is one of the factors that buy liquid prednisone determine its quality (and its price, we suggest you to try discounted flooring).

You can buy the normally printed vinyl, which has:

-A layer of wear in its upper part (with which we are in contact when stepping) and that, according to its thickness, gives it a greater or less resistance.

-Another layer with the printed pattern.

-An optional layer of cushioning.

-The sustenance layer.

Or vinyl floor with inlays. In this second type, the pattern is applied throughout the thickness of the piece, so the effect is more realistic, the imperfections are less noticeable, and … your budget suffers more.

To guide you when choosing the thickness of your wear layer (or use layer), we will tell you that there are thicknesses from 0.08mm (for low-intensity uses, such as receivers or rooms) to 0.3mm (for salons, bathrooms or kitchens, with a more usual use).

It’s nice to step on it

If you run away from the hardness of other materials for the floor, such as ceramics or marble, remember that you can request your Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles with an extra layer of cushioning, which will make the sensation much more pleasant when stepping on it.

And even more, a pleasure to wash it

Well, we already know that a high percentage of our readers will not directly associate terms like “pleasure” and “mop”.

But it is that the maintenance of a vinyl floor is a much more relaxed and simple task than with the vast majority of floors: passing a simple wet cloth will be enough to leave it as good as new.

Karndean Art Select Luxury Vinyl Tiles is a very long-suffering material that can withstand rubs, scratches, and drops of all types of fluids. Of course, if the layer of wear you buy is not of an abundant thickness, sooner or later it will end up disappearing its shine and it will be necessary that you apply coating solutions to restore its splendor.

It is hygienic and safe

Its composition prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria, which makes it great for floors of children’s rooms or places where humidity reigns. That is why it is one of the star alternatives for schools, laboratories, bathrooms or kitchens: it is almost impossible to rot.

Their materials also prevent the accumulation of mites, which makes them ideal for homes with allergies and asthmatics. And above, it makes the formation of static electricity impossible.

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