How Do Our Bodies Fight Disease?

How Do Our Bodies Fight Disease?

Our immune system has two main parts. The first is the innate immune system. We inherit this system, which is active as soon as we are born. This system consists of cells called phagocytes and natural killer cells. They help our bodies defend against various germs and toxins that enter the body. The second part is the adaptive immune response, which produces antibodies to fight specific bacteria and viruses. These cells are highly effective at destroying some pathogens, but they are not good at eradicating all of them.

The immune system protects our body from infection by detecting and fighting off foreign objects. It works by producing white blood cells called leukocytes, which patrol the blood and tissues. These cells are called phagocytes because they detect foreign bodies and bacteria and kill them. They are further broken down into two types – B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. Once identified, these cells attack the intruders and protect us from the harmful effects of various diseases.

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The immune system has several parts. The white blood cells, called macrophages, patrol the blood and tissues. They detect germs by attaching to antigens and triggering a series of reactions in the body. The immune system also stores information on the germs so that it can recognise them later. When the immune system is activated, it attacks them to eliminate them. The process is called defense. The body needs to know how to identify and fight disease so that it can stay healthy.

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The immune system is responsible for protecting our bodies from disease. It includes different types of cells called leukocytes. The macrophages surround germs and remove dead cells, activate other immune system cells, and leave behind parts of the germs. The immune system has a system of antibodies, or antigens, to recognize foreign substances. The T cells produce antibodies, which fight the bacteria and viruses and kill them.

The immune system recognises and attacks disease by activating certain proteins in the body. When bacteria or fungi attach to these antigens, it recognises them as foreign and launches a series of processes. The immune system is a very efficient way to keep us healthy and safe. It can detect and fight viruses and bacteria, which are dangerous to our health. The immune system has the ability to fight off many diseases.

The immune system is composed of different types of cells. The most important ones are the macrophages. These cells make antibodies and act against germs. Using these antibodies, the body can fight off diseases. It also prevents infections and protects us from toxins.


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