What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Knowledge of PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder to give it its full title, is a mental health trauma which has increased greatly over the last 30 years. Since the 1980s, it has been accepted as a condition that many sufferers have felt following a variety of physical and mental trauma. These traumas include, Wars,  accidents, naturally occurring disasters, any sort of physical and sexual assault. It also includes general violence directed towards an individual.Trauma informed practice training from www.tidaltraining.co.uk can help you recognise it.

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This is a broad overview of the symptoms you can expect to see in somebody suffering from PTSD..

  • Thoughts of an intrusive nature or memories of what had happened replay constantly
  • A person suffering PTSD will experience more nightmares and night-time flashbacks of the event.
  • Individuals will seek to avoid anything that could trigger a series of flashbacks and reminders of the event.
  • Sufferers of PTSD also find that they are extremely focused on any kind of external threat that they can focus on.

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  • It is also common to experience a sense of detachment from the world around you and a numbness to feelings.
  • Mood is affected in a negative way and there are constant feelings of shame and guilt combined with anger.
  • Sleeping is problematic, if not impossible. Being able to concentrate on tasks around you is also difficult.
  • Heightened sensations and reactions to situations that could place the person in a reminder state of the event are also very common.

The severity and length of the symptoms can vary from individual to  individual.

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