Funny names for Facebook

Funny names for Facebook

Facebook has been, for many years, one of the most used social networks in the world. Billions of users have a profile on the platform to upload photos, write messages, stay in contact with other known users and even meet new people. Both in real profiles and in groups, you can find funny and curious names of all kinds. In this social network, it is essential to identify yourself with a name to configure the user profile and, in this sense, you will find very surprising and hilarious cases.

Discover in this article more than 110 Funny names for Facebook from real profiles of men and women, as well as groups or pages. You will have a great time and maybe you will find inspiration to create a funny Facebook profile.

Funny names for Facebook

Do you have a Facebook profile or are you considering making one? There are funny names to get on Facebook that may look like troll names, but they are real. Having funny surnames, it is very easy to compose these types of profiles, although you can also invent them if you are looking to have a funny name even if it is not your real one. Here are some Facebook profiles with funny names that actually exist :

Aylen Texas
Aiser beza
Ai soda
Seko Me
On Sunday
Aiko mida
Ayse bollat
Aitor tilla
Ai Do
Mehdi Hard
Aide Pineapple
On Friday
Hector Tuga
Jacky Sieras
Aiman ​​Zana

They are all names with double meanings. Hard to believe, there are many weird names for Facebook that the network confirms as verified profiles.

Funny names for Facebook for men

A good portion of the original Facebook names is made up of men. Some are made-up funny names, but others are real. As they say, reality always surpasses fiction. Here are some examples of funny names for men on Facebook :

Big daddy
Green Goblin
Power ranger
Harry Potas
Jaime Havizan
Iono Ce
Matt Enmen
Lucho Portuano
Elton Titus
Elizen siado
Reggae man
Jimmy Neutron
Rubber bear
Angel and cupid
Paco jerte
Lavida duck
Aitor mint
Building houses
Tomas turbao
Paco mermela
Keko jones
Solomeo walls
Alberto catetas
Teyeno yours
Go down suck
Casimiro lastetas
Omar Icon
Victor Tillas
Armando Broncas
Juan Male Alpha
Andres Trozado
Jorge Nitalesio
Valdomero Plancha
Ruben Fermizos
Juanca Daveres
Isaac A. Snot

Funny compound names give a lot of play on Facebook profiles, as well as last names. Even so, think carefully about what name you want to put on your profile: looking for something impressive and that catches the attention of other users can be fun in various situations. In others, it will be a commitment and that name will be part of your identity on the social network.

Funny names for women on Facebook

As with the Facebook profiles of men that we have just seen, there are also very funny ones for women, although they can be used interchangeably if you are going to create a fake profile. The following examples are a mix of real users and troll names for Facebook of women that will serve to inspire you and configure your profile on this social network:

Elba gina
Aydee pepperoni
Rita bow
Debora Vergara
Monica Galindo
Mama Canvas
Luci latanga
Veronica Gando
Pink Channels
Deborah Testa
Miva Gina
Lola maras
Anna Banana
Kiti kiero
Lola Ila
Sun and moon
Nancy diva
Chiki ttita
The kitty
Cardi borriquero
Cuchi Chuchi
The Kuqi
Lauri Sun
Laura Lala
Laura Lady
Gypsy breast
Sofia de Grecy
Candy Pink
Sweet Babi
Marisol Sunflower
Sleeping Beauty
Flower blossom
Ester Colero
Susana Torio
Dolores Delano
Ines Queleto
Snow White
Estela Gartija
Cindy nero

Humor predominates in all these funny names for women on Facebook, but some are also suitable to convey cuteness and a sweet image. In any case, the choice will depend on your personality and the intention with which you create the profile. If it is a strictly personal profile, the criteria are completely free. On the other hand, for professional Facebook profiles, it is best to opt for the real name and surname. Thus, it will be easy to identify you on the social network.

Funny names for Facebook groups

Among the funny names for Facebook, you can not miss those linked to groups or pages. There are of all the themes, with humor always as a great standard-bearer. At oneHOWTO we provide you with the following funny names for Facebook pages :

Living in fear of being filmed Drunk Street and my mother will see
Make a wish when a cop says ‘blow’
The great resemblance between the corpse bride and Belén Esteban (or any other famous person you think fits the joke)
I also believed that Mark Lenders was a gypsy
Maná would be an instrumental group without the word ‘love’
You see that now Boy George
The vicious circle of not finding your glasses because you can’t see them
We are three and with Harrison Four
I also believe that Paco Clavel and Rouco Varela are the same person
Fernando Esteso also sucked a nipple
Be more absurd than a report from España Directo (or any other program that seems to fit you)
I also knew that Ricky Martín was gay
I also say oyoyoyoyoy when I hear a gossip

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