What different blood types are there

What different blood types are there

There are four different blood types, and it is important that we are aware of what our blood type is. In the event of an accident, we may need to be given a transfusion. Medical professionals in a hospital will match your blood type and will then give you blood that will be appropriate for you.

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There are conditions that can affect your blood, and it is important that these are monitored and managed in an appropriate way. It is also one of the reasons that it is important that businesses have staff members trained in Emergency First Aid Training Courses like the ones available from tidaltraining.co.uk/emergency-first-aid-training-courses. This then means that if someone has an accident or injury in your workplace, you have staff to help deal with this. This is particularly important in the case of injuries that result in a loss of blood.

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There are four main blood groups, and these are A, B, AB and O. Each blood type is determined by the genes that are passed down from your parents. This means that our blood type can be passed down through generations. The type that we inherit will be determined as a mixture of the blood types that each of our parents has. As well as having these four blood groups, it is possible for each of them to be either classified as positive or negative.

The most common of the blood types is O, and it is thought that over half of the population have this blood type.

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