When you start traveling abroad you will fall into one of two categories. You will become extremely confident of everybody. And you will believe that they are all your friends and they are there to help you or the opposite. A fearful believing that all they want is to kidnap you and hurt you.
The truth is that neither. Not everyone wants to be your friends but not everyone wants to hurt you. It will always be a mid-point, with a very pronounced inclination towards the goodness of the people.

So, it is important to always consider a couple of safety tips for traveling abroad.
Here are 20 safety tips for traveling abroad:
Most of these safety tips for traveling abroad may seem obvious or common sense. But they say that common sense is the least common of the senses so it is worth remembering.
1 – Always look at your surroundings.
No matter if the Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Machu Pichu or any other monument is in front of your eyes. If there is a crowd watching the same do not forget from time to time to look at your surroundings.
Many people take advantage of these moments of tourist confusion to make theirs. So, do not let that happen to you. You do not need to be suspicious of everyone around you, just a little look over your shoulder will suffice.
A security study revealed that a thief will avoid attacking the people who are most alert of their surroundings. So, as your first safety advice of traveling abroad is to develop the habit of looking at your surroundings.
2 – Do not act or look like a victim.
Continuing with this same study people select their victims due to certain traits, why they walk or act as victims.
If you appear to be a person who is at least resisting an attack, they will not attack you. If I am a thief, why choose someone who will battle if I can choose someone easier to mug? Which brings me to point 3.
3 – Let it go
If you were one of the unlucky ones that despite following the 1st and 2nd steps assaulted you, then let it go.
Nothing is as valuable as your life, so if someone asks you for your money, wallet, cell phone, computer, etc., give it and do not resist.
Most likely, the thief will not look for problems and will retire once he gets things, so it is best to act calmly and yield.
Even I who have self-defence training, if I get into an assault situation, I will relinquish my things calmly. I do not want any kind of fight, it’s not worth it.
In addition, if you contracted the same travel insurance that I use you will be covered in these cases.
4 – Separate your money
I have a specialized article on how to save money when I travel. This is a travel safety advice that you should not forget: never put all your eggs in one basket.
If any eventuality happens, such as a robbery, you can be sure that you have not lost anything and you can still continue traveling abroad.
When I was living in CA my wallet was stolen and even if I brought the rent for the whole month the most annoying was having to replace the cards or find a way to withdraw money. So, if you follow my advice on how to save money you will not have problems.
5 – Close your bag or backpack all the time.
When you are in a foreign country everything around you is new and surprising. You want to take the camera out of your bag or backpack as fast as you can to take a photo. But chances are that at that online prednisone 5mg moment you will forget to close the bag again.
Most of the lost things of travelers are because they are not careful to close their bags. It does not mean that they have been stolen. Just walking is more than enough for some of your things to go out on the street without you realizing it.
Make the habit of constantly checking that your bag and backpack are closed. You will see that you will not lose anything again. This behavior I have seen especially in the USA. So, as a safety advice to travel to the USA: Close your backpack.
6 – Do not put your wallet behind
Closing the bag is important, but what about men? The recommendation is simple, load the wallet in the front pockets of the pants so you know where you have it at all times.
Try to generate this habit since you are at home. So, it will be easier for you when you are traveling abroad. Over time you will realize that it is not only safer but also more practical.
7 – Scans all your documents.
Passport, birth certificate, national medical expenses insurance and international medical expenses insurance, driver’s license, national identification, military service card (if you have one), proof of address, etc.
Scan them, save them in your email. Send a copy of that email to your parents or best friend. Save an extra copy on a USB to have them on hand at all times.
8 – Know a little about the most frequent scams of the place where you go
Every region has a scam that characterizes it. Most involve children who steal your wallet while you give them a candy or take a picture with them. Others more elaborate involve students who want to “practice” and end up paying a tea set. In another scam, they take you to walk the city in the tuk-tuk. One moment to another you are paying for a suit tailor made to your measure.
No country, however, developed, that does not have some kind of scam is just a matter of being alert and not trusting the people “excessively kind” or “want to practice English” in the middle of the street
9 – Have traveling abroad insurance
Accidents and diseases happen anytime, anywhere. There is nothing worse than having to interrupt your trip. You had to pay a hospital bill and you no longer have money to continue or worse, leave the country.
To be honest many of the activities I did during my trip would not have been possible. I would have felt safe doing them if I did not have medical insurance that would support me.
The clearest example is to go up to Everest Base Camp. In the case of any emergency, my insurance covered the evacuation by helicopter and this can cost more than $3000 USD.
This will be number 9 on the list but it is certainly the best type of travel safety. Especially if you travel to the USA where medical expenses can be exorbitant. The medical expense insurance
10 – Do not forget the vaccines
Before you leave, be sure to visit a traveler’s disease clinic to see if you need any vaccine.
The only obligatory vaccine is yellow fever vaccine. It only applies if you are traveling abroad to a risk zone or come from it. Apart from that, the rest are recommendations, personally, I am of the idea that in health is not spared. If there is something like a vaccine that eliminates the risk of contracting an illness, I put it.