If you’re planning to get married in the near future, have you considered writing your own vows? Many couples feel that traditional vows just aren’t relevant today and prefer to find their own words to express their feelings and promises to one another. Here are some compelling reasons why you should definitely consider personalised wedding vows for your big day:
Your Choice of Words
Every relationship is unique, and your vows should reflect that. By choosing your own words, you can say exactly what you want to say to each other, make personal promises from the heart that really mean something. You shouldn’t have to feel that a one size fits all approach is the only one available. You can still look at the traditional vows for guidance and inspiration, but the best vows truly come from the heart, are more honest and can be tailored to the person you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life with.
You can use the vows to celebrate your story together. What ups and downs you’ve experienced and when you’ve really been there for each other. Perhaps you want to thank your partner for a specific time of support and encouragement. Perhaps you want to apologise for a time when you weren’t there for them as much as you could have been and want to promise that will never happen again. These sentiments can’t be expressed with traditional vows alone.
Why you are getting married
Organising a wedding can be a stressful time and it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re doing it in the first place. The act of sitting down and planning vows is a great grounding exercise for you both. It helps you to reconnect with why you chose to marry. It’s a time for quiet reflection and enables you to look to the future and explain how you want your lives to be together. Writing your own vows can help put all the wedding planning into perspective and keeps you on the right track. Don’t forget to ask for help though. You don’t have to do it all. Wedding planners, friends and venues can all share the burden with you. For a Hotel Wedding Venue in Gloucester, visit https://www.hatton-court.co.uk/gloucester-cotswolds-weddings
More personal for your guests
Many couples today want their wedding to be a true reflection of who they are and that also includes their guests. Family and friends want to hear your commitment and promises to each other. Your loved ones can bring their tissues as it’s ok to get a little emotional. Love is a wonderful thing and should be celebrated in a special and truly unique way that means something deeply personal to everyone involved.
You don’t have to be Shakespeare
Don’t be put off by thinking you’re not up to the job of writing your own vows. Nobody is expecting Shakespeare! All you need to do is write from the heart. It doesn’t matter how you put those words together, but the importance is in the words themselves. Be honest, speak from your heart and your vows will be spot on!