How to nail your content strategy so that your SEO flies

Creating a clear, coherent and successful content strategy is one of the best ways to organically optimise a site and boost its search rank without falling back on paid ads.

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This is especially important in an age when web users are switching to mobile devices from desktop to fuel their browsing habits, causing a shift in expectations and engagement as a result –

So what are the foundations of a solid content strategy, and are there any pitfalls to avoid as you progress?

Embrace uniqueness

Understanding what makes your business or brand stand out from the crowd and capitalising on it in content is a good place to start.

Next, you need to take this kernel of uniqueness and convert it into a concept that can be expressed simply in just a sentence or two. Succeed, and you will be better placed to build the rest of your strategy around this, especially with the assistance of a Dublin SEO agency.

Set goals

To ensure that content is well directed and able to have the desired impact, you need to set out what you want it to achieve. Things to aim for include improvements in ranking on organic SERPs, better conversion rates and a wider awareness of your brand amongst your target demographic.

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Consider customers

Knowing about the types of visitors your site attracts and tailoring content towards them will boost engagement and avoid any misfires in the future. Important information about your audience can include everything from their age and gender to the other sites they visit and the media outlets from which they prefer to source their news. Getting help from firms like Ryco Marketing Dublin SEO agency will streamline this process.

Foster personality

If your brand has a distinct voice and style of expression, then it will be more memorable and identifiable. This will allow you to create and curate content which is consistent and recognisably yours, rather than blandly generic.

Pursue promotion

Creating compelling content is all well and good, but you need to be willing and able to promote it effectively so that word can spread and your search rank can rise as more people share it.

Scheduling relevant content to drop on specific dates and having seasonal tie-ins can be helpful in this respect, which is why planning is so important.

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