Five top tips for renters

Five top tips for renters

The UK’s rental market is growing all the time, and navigating it can be a total minefield. To combat that, here are five ways that you can be a happy and successful tenant.

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Time and money

You have to work out your finances – accurately. Not paying rent on time (going into arrears) can not only get you into trouble with the landlord, but their bad opinion can affect your ability to rent from other landlords in the future. What is your income – and when do you get paid? It pays to plan ahead. Being in a houseshare can complicate this, so do your research here: on how to make it easy.

Do your inventory

In fact, make it a priority. You will probably be given an inventory list of all the things that are in the property (and the condition of the property itself), and you will have to go through and check it all off, or use property inventory software to help.

Any changes in the inventory at the end of the tenancy could have an impact on the deposit. Collaborating with the landlord and using something like can be a huge help.

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Read the contract

It speaks for itself, really. There are often rules that the landlord sets out specifically, like limits on noise after 10pm, a ban on large parties, or a ban on certain pets. Make sure you check it thoroughly before you sign it.

Report any problems

Now that you’ve signed the contract, paid the first month of rent and done the inventory, you’re set to move into your new home. During your tenancy, either the landlord or the lettings agent should be on hand to help you with any problems with the property. Don’t be hesitant to contact them if you discover a leaky pipe or a spot of mould. It’s in their interest to keep the property well-maintained, and often, there is a dedicated maintenance team.

Leave it how you found it

To make sure you get that all-important deposit back at the end of it all, you must perform a deep clean on the property. Get a professional cleaner in or gather friends to help you. Inspectors can be notoriously picky, so get the upper hand.

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