The first 6 steps to running a great sales campaign with VoIP

The first 6 steps to running a great sales campaign with VoIP

Effective communication within a company and with potential customers plays a vital role in achieving great results. Here are six steps to ensure a prosperous sales campaign with VoIP.

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1. Initial Briefings and Briefings Outside the Office

Management needs to brief sales staff at the start of the campaign with all of the crucial information involved. Instead of organising face-to-face meetings with staff, VoIP allows managers to use laptops and mobile devices to communicate their brief via video conference, saving on time, travel and expenses.

VoIP conference technology can also cost-effectively brief those outside of the sales team, including manufacturers and distributers. Multimedia functionality supports interactive learning, videos and presentations to engage, inspire and motivate those who need to be driven to sell the products.

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2. The sales and marketing connection

Marketing and sales departments need to work collaboratively to share information, feeding back results to identify strengths, weaknesses and modifications to drive sales forward. This cycle and connectivity can be achieved via conference, email, instant messaging or chat with VoIP, speeding up results while keeping costs down.

3. Put customers at the heart of the campaign

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems can work in tandem with VoIP to gather information and build the profile of your customers. Details such as preferences, past take-up of promotions and prior purchases will enable the sales team to personalise their interactions and courtesy follow-up calls, along with tailoring product recommendations.

4. Advance outbound sales

VoIP broadcast functionality can let customers know about new products and updates. The sales team can also target promotional information via the customer’s preferred contact method.

Given its wide-reaching application, it’s perhaps unsurprising that the VoIP market is estimated to be worth $136.76 billion by 2020.

Choosing a reliable VoIP provider is also crucial to ensure a smooth experience, with VOIP minutes wholesale available from companies such as idtexpress.

5. Field sales

Field agents can access VoIP on their mobile devices, using them to remotely attend virtual meetings and conference calls, send orders, and communicate with other teams or customers.

6. Adjust call capacity

Cloud hosting allows incoming call capacity to be amended via a web portal, improving customer experience and ensuring callers aren’t kept waiting for a response.

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