Birds of Paradise

Birds of Paradise

Colourful, beautiful and true wonders of nature, birds of paradise are a sight to behold. While we may not be able to see them in the wild we are able to view them via television. If you could How do you film these beauties and which ones are the most special?

Filming takes planning. Almost as much as a Drupal Design Agency would expect to take on when designing a website for you. Take a moment to have a look at and see what they can do for you. There are a few basic principles that need to be looked at for filming. Firstly, you need to know your target. Make sure you know exactly what it is you want to film and what images you are looking for. It won’t work if you start filming straight away. Secondly, know the location you are filming in. It’s a very good idea to familiarise yourself with the surrounding first. It cuts down the chances of there being any unwanted surprises in the terrain. You don’t even need to film anything! Thirdly have a storyboard. If even if it’s only a rough idea. This should flow out of the first two parts we’ve looked at. Let’s have a look at the subject matter.

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We need to assume that you can afford a trip to either the east of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea or the eastern side of Australia. There are over 50 different species that fit into the overarching category of Birds of Paradise with them ranging in sizes from 15cm to 44cm long. They all have beautifully vivid colours on their heads, wings and tails and most of them are incredibly rare and can only be found in the indigenous habitats.

As is traditional in the animal world the male of the species is highly decorated with the females being more sedate in colour. They also have very elaborate mating rituals with the males often putting on incredible displays of their coloured plumaged and often ‘dancing’ for the attention of the females. All of the birds in this category feed off berries and wild fruit available in tropical jungles, some of them also eat insects and spiders.

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These birds have become extremely rare partly due to the fact that their feathers were sought after to add to clothing and head wear and some of the species are on the vulnerable lists. So much so that as well as campaigns against fur in fashion there are also projects to try and entice fashion designs to use synthetic equivalents to bird feathers.

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