How our emotions affect our bodies

How our emotions affect our bodies

Emotions are strong feelings that we all have and there are times in our lives when we can find that our emotions can become all-consuming and it is important that we understand how these strong emotions can affect our bodies. This understanding can then go some way to helping us release some of the physical symptoms of the emotions that we are feeling. Another good way to help process your emotions is to follow through with the thoughts, I need someone to talk to but looking at working with people such as professionals from

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Negative emotions such as stress, produce the hormones cortisol and adrenaline to be released into our bloodstreams. These two hormones trigger the fight or flight response that we all have as well as increase our heart rate, blood pressure and our respiratory rate. If we experience high levels of these stress hormones over a prolonged period of time it can lead to a number of health problems in the future.

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Positive emotions also have an effect on our bodies. These can be emotions such as happiness and love. Once again these feelings trigger the release of endorphins that act as natural mood elevators and painkillers. The impact of these endorphins can include an improved immune system, a reduction in inflammation within the body and an improvement in cardiovascular health.

Due to the fact that our physical and mental health is so intrinsically linked, it is important to make sure that you are looking after your mind, body and your emotions.

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