How to create the perfect website layout

How to create the perfect website layout

Your website is the public face of your business, so it pays to spend time making sure that you are projecting the right image, and sending out the right messages to your visitors. With that in mind, here are some pointers to ensure that your website is striking the right note.

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Create an eye-catching logo

According to a recent article in Entrepreneur, your business logo should inspire trust and confidence from the outset. It represents what your company stands for, so spend time crafting the perfect design, and make sure that it is prominently displayed at the top of your site.

Display your core message on your home page

Aside from landing pages, the home page is where the majority of your visitors will land, so make sure it includes all the information that they might need. Start with your logo, then add contact information, along with any important information about your company that visitors should be aware of.

Keep your website simple

It’s tempting to include a host of features on your website, but this could be doing your business a disservice. Paring away all extraneous details allows your core message to shine buy prednisone steroids online through, so keep your website as basic as possible so that visitors can focus on their needs.

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Stick to one theme

Every page of your website should clearly be part of the whole, so ensure that your site’s core identity doesn’t change as visitors trawl through your pages. A good web design team will make sure that your site’s theme remains consistent, but this doesn’t have to cost a small fortune. You can source great web designers in Reading or Rotherham, with companies such as specialising in small to medium-sized business websites that won’t blow the budget.

Navigation should be intuitive

Don’t make your visitors work to find out how to navigate through your website. Your menus should be easy to find and simple to use, or visitors will give up and head elsewhere. Don’t forget to include a search box so that they can find the exact thing they’re looking for without having to click through several pages or menus.

Make it responsive

This is another aspect that a good web designer can help you with. Your website must display seamlessly across a range of devices, browsers and operating systems.

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