Do you have creative flair, a passion for design and good understanding of computers? If so, then a career in web design could be for you. Web designers are responsible for designing and arranging the visual content that is viewed on a website. This includes factors like the text font, layout and images for example. You’ll never be short of work either when you consider how many millions of websites there are out there on the internet!
What knowledge will I need?
Basic computer programming language knowledge will definitely be useful, like HTML, Flash, JavaScript or PHP, for example. Knowledge of the principles of Search Engine Optimisation is another important part of the job for helping websites to perform well on the net. It’s an ever-evolving career as well so there will always be something new to learn.
Is it for me?
Having a good eye for detail and aesthetics is an important attribute to have for this line of work. Going online and seeing what works and what doesn’t, getting a feel for the things that look good, should give you a better idea of ways that websites can be improved. If you get excited about design and love working with technology, then that’s a great place to start. Web designers can help with all aspects of site maintenance, optimisation and aesthetics. For a Newport Web designer to assist with your website, contact Newport web designer Netcentrics.
How do I display work I’ve already done?
The best way to demonstrate your desire, enthusiasm and talent is to have some experience building your own website or any others you have helped with. When starting in the field, it’s unlikely you’ll have had any clients so the best way to showcase what you can do is to design your own website. A portfolio can be developed as you progress in your career, but an online presence is crucial for showcasing your skills.
Stay current
In a field of work that updates and evolves so quickly, once you have a portfolio you’ll need to keep it current, so it doesn’t look out of date. Everything that you produce has to be about marketing yourself in the best way possible and keeping your presence on trend is the best way to achieve this. Branding is crucial in the corporate world so think of yourself as a personal brand.
What skills will I need?
It’s not just about the website, you’ll need superb communication for dealing with clients and/or developers. You will need the ability to listen to the client’s desires, express yourself clearly and present your ideas, explaining why you think they will be the most effective for the client. The ability to plan, work to a schedule and manage time and project working are also key attributes of working in this field.