Your teenage child is off to Bexley to study at a university just outside London

Your teenage child is off to Bexley to study at a university just outside London

If you are a mother (or a father) and have been through the intense pain of labour and given birth to a baby, you will know and understand how overprotective as a parent you can be.  From the moment that tiny baby is placed into your arms, you are overwhelmed with a burning desire to keep your child safe and protect it with your life if necessary. You watch your little infant grow and start to walk, comforting them when they fall and scrape a knee.  You bandage up their cuts and wipe away their tears as they start nursery and make friends for the first time. Your child grows and develops, and you nurture them through infant school and then onto the Juniors, reading with them and struggling to understand their maths homework!

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Senior school is potentially a very difficult time, with adolescence to work through, with all the challenges of hormones, as well as social media, peer pressure and homework on a monumental scale!  Usually, through all these challenges your child is living with you, and you can see them daily making sure all is ok.  Then the big day arrives, and your precious child is off to College or University as far away as Bexley, just outside of London.  How do you make sure they will be safe; you will already have had many long conversations between you and lots of tears and laughter will have been shared as they prepare to leave the nest, go off to university, spread their wings and really grow up.

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Practical help such as a clean supply of towels, bed sheets, and other useful household essentials, alongside condoms, a selection of Chlamydia Testing kits Bexley, supplied by a professional company such as for your child and their friends and a massive hamper of food to get them started. Make sure they have access to a mobile phone and plenty of data to use so that you can keep in touch with each other, send photos and video chat. It’s hard to let your child go but if you’ve done your job as a responsible parent, they will be ready and fully prepared to succeed at their studies and then go onto hold down a full-time position at their chosen career.

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