Skin polyp: What is it, Causes and How to treat it properly

Skin polyp: What is it, Causes and How to treat it properly

A skin polyp is a small piece of soft, hanging skin that may have a peduncle, or stalk. They can appear anywhere on the body. But especially where the skin is rubbed against other skin or clothing.

Other names are an acrochordon, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous label, fibroepithelial polyp, mollusc fibroma, fibrous pendulum, soft fibroma and Templeton skin tags.

Skin polyp are very common and usually occur after middle age. They affect men and women alike.

Quick Facts about Skin polyp

Skin polyp

Here are some key points about this polyp:

  • Skin marks are benign skin tumours.
  • They commonly occur in folds or folds of the skin.
  • They are not dangerous, but can be eliminated for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons.
  • Methods of skin label removal include over-the-counter (OTC) therapies, excision and cryotherapy.

What are skin polyp?

Skin marks are beginning, non-cancerous skin tumors. They consist of a nucleus of fibers and ducts, nerve cells, fat cells, and a covering or epidermis.

Skin polyp can appear in:

  • Eyelids.
  • Underarms.
  • Groin folds.
  • Buttock folds.
  • Neck.
  • Upper chest.

Skin polyp

They often go unnoticed, if they are prominently located or repeatedly rubbed or scratched. For example, by clothing, jewelry or by shaving.

Some people may have skin marks and never notice them. In some cases, they rub or fall without pain. Very large polyp may burst under pressure.

The surface of the polyp may have a smooth or uneven appearance. They often arise from the surface of the skin on fleshy peduncles, or stems. They are usually meat colored or slightly brown.

The skin polyp starts small, crushed like a pinhead protrusion. Some remain small, and some grow larger. They can vary in diameter from 2 mm (millimeter) to 1 cm (cm), and some can reach 5 cm.


Skin polyp

It is unclear exactly what causes the skin polyp. But can occur when clusters of collagen and blood vessels are trapped within thicker pieces of skin.

As they are most common in folds or folds of the skin, they can be caused mainly by rubbing the skin against the skin.

Some people seem to inherit a greater susceptibility to skin marks.

Skin polyp affect both men and women, but they occur more often during pregnancy, obese people, and people with diabetes.

They have been associated with hyper-insulinemia, when there is too much buy prednisolone for dogs uk insulin circulating in the blood.

Risk Factors

Skin polyp
Risk Factors of Skin polyp

Skin polyp appear to be more common in:

  • Overweight and obese people.
  • Those with diabetes.
  • Women during pregnancy, possibly due to hormonal changes and high levels of growth factors.
  • Those with some types of human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • People with a sex-steroid imbalance, especially if there are changes in estrogenic and progesterone levels.
  • Those whose close relatives also have polyp.

Studies have found that polyp are more likely to occur with:

  • Obesity.
  • Dyslipidaemia, for example, high cholesterol levels.
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure.

They have also been linked to insulin resistance and high elevated C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.

Skin polyp

This suggests that polyp may offer an external sign of increased risk of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease.


As polyp are generally harmless, the removal is usually for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons.

Large brands of skin, especially in areas where they can rub against something. Such as clothing, jewelry or skin, can be eliminated due to irritation.

Removing a large skin polyp from the face or under the arms can make shaving easier.


The following procedures may be used:

  • Cauterization: The polyp is burned using electrolysis.
  • Cryosurgery: The skin polyp is frozen using a probe containing liquid nitrogen.
  • Connection: The blood supply to the skin label is interrupted.
  • Excision: The polyp is cut with a scalpel.

These procedures should only be performed by a dermatologist, or a specialist skin doctor, or a medical professional with similar training.

Skin polyp on the eyelid

Skin polyp

Especially those near the edge of the eyelid, may have removed by an ophthalmologist.

It is usually not recommended to remove a skin polyp at home because of the risk of bleeding and possible infection.

However, very small polyp removable by attaching the floss or fine cotton thread around the base of the polyp to cut the circulation to the label.

Solutions without prescription

Over-the-counter (OTC) solutions are available in pharmacies. These will freeze the skin polyp, and will fall off after 7 to 10 days.

These medications are similar to those used for wart removal.

There is no evidence that removing skin polyp encourages more of them to develop.


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