These are the real effects of sugary drinks for health

These are the real effects of sugary drinks for health

These types of soft drinks have never enjoyed good fame among health and nutrition experts. But do you know what the real effects of sugary drinks are for health? Their consumption, with a greater risk of diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Despite which the figures continue to raise them among the best-selling food products.

It effects on our health, analyzed by numerous studies, can not be considered at all beneficial. Studies claim that sugary drinks are responsible for type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Consequences of the abuse of sugary drinks

real effects of sugary drinks

The controversy surrounding sugary drinks has given rise to many investigations and opinions of a different nature. We can highlight the project carried out in a few years ago by a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge (UK). Their findings were published in the British Medical Journal. They placed sugary soft drinks and bottled and artificial juices as responsible for the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity. They estimated that about 13% of diabetes risk is due to the excessive consumption of these beverages.

Also noteworthy is the study “Sweetened beverage intake and risk of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults and type 2 diabetes”. It also conducted in 2016 and published in the American Journal of Endocrinology on the real effects of sugary drinks. According to a team of experts from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, led by the scientist Josefin Lofvenborg. The consumption of this type of soft drinks, even being light, increases by 21% the chances of suffering type 2 diabetes.

New tax for sweetened drinks

All these data have led to extraordinary measures. Such as the new tax on sweetened drinks that entered into force on 1 May in Catalonia. The objective is to reduce the excessive consumption of these products. So, it imposes a levy of 8 cents for beverages that are between 5 and 8 g per 100 ml and 12 cents per liter. For those prednisone for cats online that include a higher load of sugar.

Alarming data on the real effects of sugary drinks for health has led to extraordinary measures. Such as the new tax on sweetened drinks that came into force on 1 May in Catalonia.

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The tax, processed through the accompanying law of the Generalitat’s Budget 2017, has a quarterly payment. It applies to sugary drinks such as soft drinks, packaged fruit juices, sports drinks, coffee, tea, sweetened milk, milkshakes, flavored waters and vegetable drinks. The Generalitat expects to raise some 30.98 million dollars in 2017.

real effects of sugary drinks

Indications of the World Health Organization

The appearance of this tax is encouraged by the indications of the World Health Organization (WHO) in this regard. They warn about the risk to our health the consumption of this class of drinks. In fact, “WHO recommends a further reduction in the intake of free sugars below 5% of total energy consumption,” according to its official website.

And it is that according to experts, sugary drinks have significant adverse effects on our body. For example, as we said earlier, taking one or two sugary drinks a day can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 26%, according to a study by the American Diabetes Association. In addition, it favors the accumulation of fat around the liver and the skeletal musculature, in addition to an increase of triglycerides in the blood.

On the other hand, frequent consumption of these beverages can alter our hormonal system. It is due to an epoxy resin called bisphenol A (BPA), present in soft drink cans. Also, some studies relate phosphoric acid that contains these products with the possibility of suffering the renal deficiency.

What do you think about the real effects of sugary drinks on health? Do you say they are so harmful?

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