16 October is the international day of food. Recommendations abound on food consumption. However, more than 20% of the calories we consume come from drinks.
In addition, “liquid calories” cause less safety than solid foods, so they are a major risk factor for obesity. Good alcoholic drinks are safe in few condition. To achieve a correct diet is not enough to pay attention to what is eaten but also in what is drunk.
6 Recommended drinks to promote proper nutrition
Excessive consumption of sugary drinks leads to a high-calorie intake, resulting in overweight and obesity. In addition to being independently associated with an increased risk of developing type II diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. Excessive consumption of whole milk, an important source of saturated fats. It is also known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

At the origins of the human species, water and breast milk were the only two types of beverages consumed. It has been in the last 11,000 years that humans started using other types of drinks.
From the last 30 years, there has been an alarming increase in the consumption of sugary drinks worldwide and in all age groups. In the United States, sweetened beverages accounted for almost 4% of total calorie consumption in the 1970s, rising to 9%.
In countries with lower incomes
The same trend has been seen. The consumption of sweetened beverages has increased considerably in the entire population. From the last 13 years, especially in children between 5 and 11 years of age, in adolescent and adult women. This increase is mainly due to an increase in the consumption of flavored milk, fresh waters with sugar and fruit juices.
the same trend has been seen. The consumption of sweetened beverages has increased considerably in the entire population. From the last 13 years, especially in children between 5 and 11 years of age, in adolescent and adult women. This increase is mainly due to an increase in the consumption of flavored milk, fresh waters with sugar and fruit juices.
Currently, Mexicans are among the largest consumers of sugary drinks in the world. Accounting for 19 percent of the energy consumption (calories) a day. On average, a 355 ml can of soda has 7.4 tablespoons of sugar (37 grams of sugar). Approximately 75% of the maximum sugar limit for an adult for a whole day (about 50 g of sugar). And 150% Of the limit considered as recommended by the new sugar consumption guidelines proposed by WHO (25 gr sugar).
The 6 recommended drinks
The high consumption of sugary drinks and its relation to the greater risk of developing overweight, obesity and chronic diseases. It has made it imperative to issue recommendations on the consumption of beverages for the population.
Drinking water
The healthiest drink to satisfy hydration needs.
Skimmed and skimmed milk with no sugar added
An important source of calcium and vitamin D. It is recommended to use in children over two years of age, adolescents and adults. Consumption of semi-skimmed and skim milk should be preferred over whole milk. Which has a high saturated fat content, the consumption of which is related to cardiovascular diseases?
Coffee and tea without sugar added
Some health benefits have been found by moderately consuming coffee and tea mainly in adults. However, by adding milk or sugar, it increases the caloric intake (energy density) of these drinks. Therefore, makes it less advisable to consume.
Coffee and tea with non-caloric sweeteners and diet soda
The consumption of these beverages is preferable to those that have caloric sweeteners. Since they do not increase the energy consumption. However, their consumption may increase the preference for sweet foods and move to the water. So, it is not recommended for children.
100% fruit juice
Their consumption should be limited to half a glass per day (125 ml). As provide equal or more calories than other sugary drinks, without the benefits of the whole fruit. It is recommended to eat fruit in chunks instead of drinking juices.
Soft drinks and other beverages with added sugar
The World Health Organization recently issued a recommendation on the amount of plain sugar that should include a correct diet. According to scientific research, simple sugars should not contribute more than 10% of the total energy consumption in a day.
A greater contribution to this 10% is associated with weight gain, overweight and obesity, chronic diseases, and dental caries. In view of this recommendation, the consumption of soft drinks and beverages are containing added sugar. We should avoid it.
Recommendations include alcoholic beverages

In case they are consumed, it is recommended to restrict to no more than one drink per day and only in adults. One drink per day corresponds to 240 mL of beer, 150 mL of wine or 45 mL of distilled beverages.
Drinking recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are primarily aimed at adults. If these recommendations are extended to children and adolescents, some modifications are required. In the case of beverages with non-caloric sweeteners, which are not recommended for children.
From now on, look at what you take, and consider these recommendations. Drinks are an important part of a healthy life. Share this article and help your friends and family stay healthy.