Amazing Style Hack: How To Dress Well With Little Money?

Amazing Style Hack: How To Dress Well With Little Money?

Because being styled is not about money but about choosing dress well.

Hi, how are you? I hope that very good. Today I want to talk about a topic that I have been asking a lot and that I also like and is how to do to dress well without spending a lot of money. Can it? Of course, it is just a question of knowing some tips and tricks that I will teach you today in this post. Keep reading.

Find out how to dress well without spending too much

Dress Well With Little Money

Invert well

Do not spend much money on clothes, invest in wallets and shoes. The reason? The clothes get damaged very quickly and go out of style. Certainly, you will buy clothes only because they cause you on a certain date and then you will not like them. Jewelry and shoes tend to last longer. They are not so subject to trends.

There is no fashion portfolio in every season and the quality of a good wallet or a good pair of shoes are key to achieve a classy outfit. Buy a dress, let’s put it, 30 soles, very few people will notice the price because it can look great. In short, if you want to dress well with little money, instead of buying 20 cheap dresses, buy a good wallet or pair of shoes.

Do not discard, reset or recycle

It happened to me, I bought a couple of years ago a dress with a length, which at that time I liked.  For example, the length in the middle of the calf. But over time I was no longer comfortable with this type of dress and instead of throwing it away or giving it away I take it to the seamstress to adjust it to where I want it. And not only does this happen with modifications as simple as a long.

If you have a jean jacket that seems boring, customize it. Put patches that are super trendy, make a few rips and you will have almost a new garment. At this point, it is important to have a good seamstress who knows your measurements and who does not charge very expensive and have patience and creativity.

Keep your clothes in good condition

Take care of your clothes, worry because they are clean, ironed, without frills and tidy. For this, it is essential that you have an iron on hand and a few scissors to cut the labels of clothing. Just as it cost you money, you have to take care of your things and thus not only last longer. A bag with one lined one that makes a difference.

Access your garments

There is no look that a good necklace or pair of earrings cannot lift. Again, the trick here is not that you have 20 sacks, 40 skirts or 50 pants. No, with a pair or three of each you can handle yourself very well if you combine them with accessories that look classy, modern, fun. A maxi necklace in golden tones. For example, lifts a look all black or all denim (jean). On the other hand, if we have few or almost no accessories. Our small range of fashionista pieces will be noticeable.

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If you are going to invest in clothes: Invest in BASICS

You have probably heard this several times and it is very true. The basic garments are the foundation of your look, on which you can create many styles with wallets, shoes, and accessories. That is why it is important to invest in good basic, not trendy clothes of the moment. Such as a pleated skirt or a crop top. Investing in basics will allow you to build many outfits.

 The basic ones are:

  • ·         A white blouse.
  • ·         Black and white polo shirts.
  • ·         Black coat or trench coat
  • ·         Jean, according to body shape.
  • ·         Cocktail black dress
  • ·         Black or navy-blue blazer.


We are all excited about the offers but you have to be very careful about being a victim of these and ending up buying to buy. The key to taking advantage of the dress well offers is simple: Do not buy something you do not like. You know that you will use very little just because it is cheaper. At the time of dress well offers, buy the same as you would buy if the price was not reduced. Be as careful as you are when that dress is at 100% of the price as the price does not make the quality of the dress & dress code.

Another tip I give them is to know that there are offers and offers to dress well. That is to say, there are very slight offers that go from 10% to 30%. They should keep an eye on seasonal selling out. There are many things they can buy even for the current season since the weather is very changeable as we all know.

Internet Shopping

While in California we are not yet a very proficient country to buy online, I advise you to at least try it once and see how it goes. There are lots of bargains and very nice things on the internet. Be careful, yes, with the sizes, check the delivery time. If you are charged for sending an additional and as final advice, never keep your debit or credit card details.

Dress Well With Little Money


Take a look at your world, what do you really need?

Once I saw high-heeled shoes full of rhinestones and glitter, they were on offer and I was perfect. However, my mother told me, why are you going to buy them? And I thought and yes, it made no sense to spend money on shoes to wear them on an occasion that had not yet arrived. I say this because you cannot buy something and then create the need, you cannot buy a feather dress for when you are invited to the red carpet one day of your life. DO NOT.

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First, comes the need and then the purchase

You have to see what your life is like, what your importance is. If you are a woman who spends many hours in the office, five days a week, it will be suitable for you to invest in some good socks, dresses, and purses to go running to buy the latest fashion off-shoulder blouse. When you have a budget, you cannot afford to buy just in case or buy because you like it at the time, you have to adjust to reality and that reality is not boring, is one where we are intelligent and mature women who want to see us style without sacrificing light, water or the internet. And that’s all for dress well.

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