When the change appears in a surprising way, either by a merger that you did not see coming. An internal reorganization, any other circumstance. That generated a significant impact on your environment or even an unexpected loss of employment. I want to give you some recommendations for dealing with unexpected situations that will help you to react.
Tips for Dealing with unexpected situations

First, think that your career is not over. It can be an opportunity rather than a tragedy. After a short time, if you know how to manage the change, you will continue in a successful new position.
Thus, recognizing that, the experience of a change is one of the lessons that every manager must experience in his life.
We will see some recommendations for Dealing with unexpected situations to take into account:
Remember to think before acting
Do not make hasty decisions, your emotions will be out of control, so this is a good rule: do not make any important decisions in the first three days. Depending on what happened, you will be thinking about your team, your finances, your reputation, your family, etc.
You will not think clearly, so resist to make decisions at least during those first three days.
Adapt to the new situation
When the first impression has passed, it is time to start adjusting.
You have to start adopting a new normality. Identify what is important to you. You may discover some new values that were not previously part of your catalog: free time, the balance of personal and professional life, or self-management. Remember that to stay balanced you need to continue playing sports and maintain an active social life.
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Take an inventory of your skills and knowledge, and define how to approach a new professional objective. This requires a passionate commitment to being positive.
You have to make the decision that this experience will serve to make you better, instead of anguish you. This conscious predisposition will maintain the proper attitude to return to success after a major change.
Get going
Finally, you have to act. You should think about a plan of action for several months with specific tasks and deadlines.
In this case, depending on the nature of the change, the tasks vary:
If there is an internal reorganization, maybe you should gain the confidence of your new boss, demonstrate your contribution of value in the new position, learn to move in the new ecosystem and generate a new network of professional contacts.
If you lost your job, you should prepare for your new activity that will be “looking for a job”. That stage in itself is an opportunity, and your reintegration into the working world will be easier the better you plan the transition stage.
These three stages may seem very obvious and rational. Simple to understand and apply. But, believe me, the easy becomes difficult when one is nervous and struggling with the unexpected.
If you want for dealing with unexpected situations effectively with change and adversity. Convert the first reaction: ” I have a problem and I seek help to solve it”. In a powerful new message: “I have a clear idea of what I know how to do and where I can add value.”