Ten Ways to Add Value to Your Home

Ten Ways to Add Value to Your Home

Whether you’re planning to put your home on the market this year or are simply thinking long-term, it’s always a good idea to add value to your property. Here are 10 sure-fire ways to increase the value of your home.

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Redecorating doesn’t have to be expensive, and in many cases it can be as simple as a lick of paint.

Refresh Your Kitchen

You don’t need to fit an entire new kitchen if this is beyond your budget – although this is one of the most important rooms in the home when you’re trying to sell a property. Painting your cabinets, replacing handles and adding shiny new tiles can give the appearance of a brand new kitchen for a relatively lost cost.

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Tidy the Garden

An overgrown garden that appears to need a lot of work will put off buyers looking for an easy life, so keep your garden tidy, clean and manageable.

Bathroom Makeover

Even simple tasks like repainting the ceiling, replacing the shower screen and adding new blinds can make all the difference. Check out retailers such as https://marvinandpinch.co.uk/products/12mm-clear-toughened-shower-screen-wetroom-panel-glass?variant=50220687892 for quality 12mm shower glass panels.

Offer Flexible Living

While open-plan living is more popular than ever, many potential buyers will like to see that you’re home is flexible. Bi-fold doors separating a large open-plan living area demonstrate that your home is versatile.

Make Your Home Energy-Efficient

This is becoming increasingly important to buyers concerned about both rising energy bills and the environment. Make your property as energy-efficient as possible before selling. The Energy Trust suggests simple ways to make your home more energy efficient, including draught proofing: http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/home-energy-efficiency/energy-saving-quick-wins.

Offer Off-Road Parking

If you have the space for a driveway, make sure this is clear to buyers.

Extend Your Home

If you have a loft, consider converting it to offer an extra room. You should recoup more than the cost of the conversion when you come to sell your home.

Replace the Doors

If the internal doors are mismatched or looking worse for wear, pick up a new set. You can often get discounts if you’re buying several doors in one go.

Spruce Up Your Front Door

This is all about kerb appeal and presenting your home as desirable and well cared for.

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