The arrival of the summer also brings with it the colourful butterflies that we all love to see at this time of the year. Spotting butterflies is a great activity in the summer months, and with many species in decline, reporting what you have seen can help with the conservation of these beautiful insects.
Getting out and having a walk in nature also helps you with the health benefits too – remember, despite it being summer make sure that you have warm clothing to put on like this irish sweater men can wear as temperatures can still be a little on the chilly side!
Here are some of the butterflies to look out for on your walk…
Holly Blue – This charming tiny blue butterfly may often be seen in your garden and around hedgerows – in fact wherever holly bushes can be found you will find them, although they also feed on ivy too. They are most commonly found in the south of the UK and Ireland.
Orange Tip – The sign that spring is in full swing, the orange tip heralds the arrival of sunnier days being one of the first butterflies to emerge. Unlike other early butterflies, these do not spend the winter hibernating as an adult, instead spending the winter as a chrysalis. They are easily identified by the orange tips of the wings.
Red Admiral – After spending the winter in warmer climes, one of the best known and easily recognised butterflies, the red admiral returns to the UK in the spring. Ivy nectar is a favourite for them, and in late summer they may be found around the fallen fruits from fruit trees which they also enjoy.