Thinking of becoming a solicitor? These are 4 important skills

Thinking of becoming a solicitor? These are 4 important skills

If you have an interest in the law, becoming a solicitor could be an ideal career option for you. Solicitors assist people every day by providing legal advice for property sales and purchases, family issues such as divorce and inheritance or business matters and contracts. There is a range of hard and soft skills that are needed to excel in the legal profession and this article will outline four of the most important you will need to possess.


Great communication skills are essential for becoming a successful solicitor as you will need to build trust and rapport with your clients. Communication covers many things, including excellent speaking and listening skills and the ability to communicate effectively using the written word. It is a great advantage if you are a confident speaker as you will need to communicate with clients both on a one-to-one basis and speak up for clients in a courtroom whilst being polite and persuasive. You will also need to be able to express yourself clearly and concisely even whilst explaining complicated information such as the nuances of the house-buying process or financial issues such as a bridging loan.

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Effective written communication is a vital part of the role of a solicitor as you will be required to write legal documentation using technical language that needs to be understood by your clients. In addition to your writing skills, it is also vitally important to be proficient in proofreading in order to spot any mistakes you have made. Using an incorrect word or implication in written legal work could result in the document being unclear or even invalid, so attention to detail is paramount when becoming a solicitor. If you need assistance on the pathway to becoming a solicitor, the Solicitors Regulation Authority has helpful resources and guides.


Keeping organised is very important in the working life of a solicitor. You will be tackling many different aspects of the legal profession, from managing case files, drafting legal documents, meeting clients and organising all aspects of a house sale, including bridging loan work. All these different elements will need to be completed promptly and accurately, so excellent time management and organisational skills are crucial requirements for a solicitor.

Team Work

Solicitors frequently work as part of a team so being an excellent team player is also very important. Winning cases often come about as a result of teamwork, so employers will be looking for someone who will be able to develop close working relationships with staff and other solicitors. Working collaboratively can get the best results for a client so if you need to improve your teamwork skills, try joining a sports team or a club in your spare time to build on this much-needed attribute.

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Self-confidence and resilience

Becoming a solicitor can be a lengthy and sometimes difficult process and there may be setbacks along the way when trying to secure a training contract. Having a strong belief in your own abilities and the resilience to pick yourself back up are essential skills to develop and possess. You can build on this resilience by accepting that there may be difficulties in achieving your goals, but if you maintain your self-confidence, you will have every chance of becoming an excellent solicitor.

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