How to care for your footwear

How to care for your footwear

We are all guilty of taking our shoes for granted. We put them on and off we go, expecting them to perform without issue for as long as possible. Some say that our shoes reveal a lot about our personality as well. So, what are your current shoes saying about you? We must take care of our footwear if we want it to continue to carry around our busy lives in comfort and style. Perhaps it is less what your style or colour of shoe says about you, but what condition they are in that tells the real story. A well-kept shoe must give off a better impression than a tatty one with holes in. So, what are the secrets of keeping a well-kept shoe?

Here are some top tips for keeping your footwear in the best condition:

Suede and soft leather shoes

Believe it or not, you can use an eraser to get rid of dirt and stains on either suede or leather shoes. Use a soft brush with gentle movements in the same direction afterward. This helps to prevent damage to the fabric and stops different shades appearing. The softer leather is very delicate, so the brush must have soft bristles. For a final stage, use a silicone spray over the shoes and then leave to dry at a room temperature. This helps them keep their shine and prevents the build-up of further dirt.

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Leather shoes

For regular leather, use a dry cloth to remove any dirt and dust. Dampen the cloth and give them another wipe over before allowing to dry at room temperature. Don’t use a silicone spray but a good branded shoe polish to match the leather upper colour and apply with a soft brush. If you want an exceptional shine, finish by buffing with a flannel cloth.

Patent or synthetic shoes

Dampen a cloth with warm water and a gentle washing up detergent before drying with a light, micro fibre cloth.


If the shoes have laces, remove them first. Pour a sink of warm water and use a gentle detergent, like one you’d use for wool. Using a toothbrush or sponge, clean the fabric in a circular rubbing motion and rinse. Using a different sponge or toothbrush for the soles. Squeeze out the excess water from the shoes in a towel and then leave to dry in a warm, enclosed space but not directly on top of a heat source.

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Always have more than one pair of shoes to wear. Each pair needs time to breathe between wears and also time to dry out properly after getting wet before storing in a shoe cupboard or closet. An alternative pair gives you a chance to do this and this will prolong the life of the shoes. For Mens Rieker Shoes, visit

New Shoes

All new shoes should be sprayed with a waterproof protector to prevent them becoming damaged in the rain.

Old Shoes

To prolong the life of an old favourite, consider having half rubber soles or taps fitted the bottoms. This can normally be done fairly cheaply and will prolong the shoes life possibly by years.

Smelly Shoes

Clean the insides if you have an odour issue with a pair of shoes. You can wipe them with alcohol swabs, antifungal spray or even tea tree oil but be careful to avoid staining the leather.

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