Zoe Saldana net worth, movies, activities and bio

Zoe Saldana net worth, movies, activities and bio

Zoe Saldaña (June 19, 1978) is an American actress of Dominican and Puerto Rican blood that you may know from films. Such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar, Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers. On this occasion, we will summarize the biography of Zoe Saldaña so that you can know all the details of the life of this great artist.

Biography of Zoe Saldaña

zoe saldana net worth

Despite being born in the United States, Zoe Saldaña’s idiosyncrasy is Dominican. Since she lived in the Caribbean country from her childhood to part of her adolescence. When he was a sophomore in high school, his family decided to move to Queens, New York. It is a place where he began to show interest in the artistic world.

The acting was one of her great passions, so she decided to join Faces, a theater group in which she tried to give a positive message to society. At the same time, the new actress worked for the play José and his wonderful colored tunic. It gave her greater notoriety as a performer.

Zoe Saldana net worth

One of Zoe Saldaña’s favorite dishes is cod, but not just any. The actress notes that she loves her grandmother cooking this meal for her, which transports her back to the happy times. Zoe Saldana net worth is 35 dollars approx.

I jump into television and movies

Zoe Saldaña acted for the first time on television in Law and Order, participating in one episode. After this brief appearance, the interpreter decided to abandon her studies permanently. To fully focus on her artistic career.

A short time later, the artist signed a contract to participate in The rhythm of halftime ( Total rhythm ??). It is a film in which she acted alongside stars of the stature of Nick Cannon, Orlando Jones and Leonard Roberts.

She obtained greater recognition when she played Ana María in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. A film grossed more than $ 600 million at the box office. It garnered five Academy Award nominations, including Best Actor for its lead, Johnny Depp.

After the enormous success of Pirates of the Caribbean, the Dominican received a call to action in Conquistando, a mi father-in-law ( Guess who ??). A romantic comedy tells the story of interracial love in a still conservative American society.

After having experimented in American cinema, Zoe decided to make a character in the renowned Dominican film. The Curse of Father Cardona plays a woman who falls deeply in love with a priest.

Avatar: the platform to superstardom

His big break would come with Avatar, the well-known science fiction film directed by none other than James Cameron. It won three Academy Awards in Best Visual Effects, Best Cinematography, and Best Art Direction.

During this stage of her life, Zoe Saldaña became engaged to her colleague, Keith Britton, with whom she had been dating for more than 10 years. However, just a year after the engagement, the two decided to separate.

Shortly after their breakup, the star began dating Bradley Cooper, with whom she had an on-off relationship that lasted just a year. It didn’t take long for Zoe to meet a new love, Marco Perego, an Italian businessman with whom she decided to marry and start a family.

After the success of Avatar, Zoe worked on other projects such as The Losers and Death in a funeral ( A funeral of death ??). It had a very good commercial reception within the United States.

Among his best-known films are The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek, My Little Pony and The Book of Life. It managed to position itself as one of the favorites of the world public.

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