Tips for Dressmaking Beginners

Making your own clothes is growing in popularity for many reasons. Whether it be a concern over environmental problems or a growing frustration with poor fitting, poor quality off-the-shelf garments, many people are learning the art of dressmaking with courses becoming more popular than ever. Here are some top tips for beginners:

  1. Make something that you like. You’ll feel more engaged with the project if it’s something you feel excited about it. Whether it’s an easy dress or an outfit for your children, if you are passionate about it, it makes the tough parts seem worth it. If you choose something you dislike and will never wear, then you won’t feel motivated to finish the project.
  2. Make good fabric choices. When you’re starting out, you’ll want a fabric that’s easy to use like cotton, for example. A shiny, silky and stretchy material will make life awkward for the non-experienced sewer. It’s also important to buy the right type of material that is suitable for dressmaking and not craft fabric. For a great choice of inspiring Dressmaking fabric, visit

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  1. Be kind to yourself and don’t throw yourself in at the deep end. If you’ve never made anything before then you’ll want to start slowly and build up. Beginning with an item that’s complicated could see you flailing and losing heart which is not the best way to start. Choose a simple project, perhaps a simple A-line skirt with zip or children’s clothes with not much shape needed.
  2. Choosing a good pattern prednisone online maker will also make life easier in the early days. There are many exciting and eye-catching patterns available that you might love to get stuck into,

but they might not be the best for beginners. The guide might assume you already have certain knowledge or the instructions could be vague. Choose a simple pattern from a reputable and established pattern-maker as they will contain detailed diagrams and full, clear instructions.

  1. Before you get all your equipment and fabric, make sure you have measured yourself accurately and thoroughly. It’s not safe to assume that shop sizes are equal to dressmaking sizing. Areas to measure include waist, hips and bust. Remember that a little extra is no big deal as it’s easier to adjust an item to a smaller size than it is to make it bigger!

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  1. This is why many dressmakers make up their patterns in a cheap fabric first as a trial run. This garment is called a toile or muslin. That way you can make any adjustments needed without ruining an expensive piece of material and adjust the measurements on the pattern as well. If you want to make the item again, you can go by the amended pattern and whizz through which confidence that it fits.
  2. Must-have essential beginner dressmaking tools include: a basic but reliable sewing machine, different coloured thread, needles, tape measure, pins, fabric scissors, access to an ironing board and iron, a seam ripping tool, pattern-cutting scissors and dressmakers chalk for making marks on the fabric.

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