What are the Differences Between the Different DBS Checks?

What are the Differences Between the Different DBS Checks?

A DBS check is short hand for a criminal records check, what used to be called a CRB check. There are different levels of checks available – basic, standard and enhanced. In the majority of cases a basic DBS check will suffice, but some employers require a standard or even an enhanced check.

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The checks are carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service, a governmental department.

Basic DBS Check

The basic disclosure is the lowest level of screening provided. It is the cheapest option and provides very simple information. It confirms whether an individual has any unspent criminal convictions or not.

Sometimes employers will request a Basic criminal record check in order to decide whether a particular individual will be right for the role. There are no restrictions on which types of employers may request the Basic disclosure, but some examples are those in the construction industry or hospitality. Commonly, employers will use a company such as http://www.carecheck.co.uk/criminal-record-checks-for-individuals/ who will carry out the checks for them.

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Standard DBS Check

The Standard DBS check will provide the same information as a Basic disclosure, but will also include in its report cautions, warnings and reprimands that have been issued in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland which are held on the Police National Computer.

It is more usual for employees who work in the financial and legal industries to be required to obtain a Standard DBS check. This is because this level of disclosure will confirm whether an individual has received any previous convictions for matters relevant to their role, such as financial misconduct or fraud.

Enhanced DBS Check

The Enhanced DBS Checks provide the same detail as Standard disclosures, but also checks local police records and searches for an individual’s name on both the Children’s Barred List or the DBS Adult First.

If an individual is on either of these lists they are not allowed to work on a regular basis with children under the age of 18, or vulnerable adults. This is because they will have a conviction for a relevant offence that involves either children or vulnerable adults, or they will have caused harm to children or vulnerable adults at a previous job.

Enhanced disclosure is most often requested for individuals who work in healthcare, or with children.

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