Must have tech tools for a modern office

Must have tech tools for a modern office

Technology has undoubtedly helped to both revolutionise business growth and facilitate customer communication. But what are the modern office tech essentials to help you and your business?

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Office environment

Intensive screen-based work has made the surrounding office environment itself even more critical to maximise performance, reduce stress and strain, and increase comfort for all workers. Centralised smart office automation control systems will enable you to manage the heating, air conditioning, lighting and so on right from your IPad. Some systems are even smart enough to automatically adjust for the number of people in the room and will also cuts energy costs.

Personalised lighting

Research shows that older employees tend to need much more light than younger staff to see the same detail. If the lighting level is inadequate, your team may suffer eye strain, headaches and other health issues. A lighting app linked to your office’s lighting system can store personalised lighting settings, which will automatically adjust when moved to a different desk, for example.

Visitor management

Unmanned receptions are increasingly prevalent, and automated visitor check-in systems are able to not only handle the visit itslef, but also improve security, reduce interruptions and record attendance.

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Connected chairs

Many companies provide versatile equipment for their staff such as standing desks, couches, bean bags or floor cushions. First, we had hot desks, or maybe hot lap trays, now we have hot chairs. Movable chairs with USB ports, electrical outlets and privacy panels can effectively create self-contained work spaces with personalised preferences. These are perfect combined with lap trays such as those from

Treadmill desks

Now you can exercise from your desk, with a treadmill desk! Keep walking while you work and exercise the creative juices as well as your muscles. Cuts down on gym time too!

3D printing

3D printing is now available for many common office items such as cable storage, flashdrives and office tidies, as well as prototype and samples, so could help lower supply costs.


Gadgets are great but software such as Zapier can link several different apps together so that you can publish to facebook, blog, communicate internally or share content seamlessly.

For other cool office tech, take a look at these predictions for the office of the future.

Productivity will undoubtedly increase with further revolutions in office tech in the future.

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